
Merry merry merry Christmas, it is December! I may not be a Christian but my family does celebrate Christmas. Usually with a meet up at my grandmother's house and have a meal consisting of non-christmas-y food. Nevertheless, it is a good session for the family to gather.

I am quite excited about Christmas exchange because I have 3 secret santas and bought a few gifts here and there and I really hope they all love their gifts. I know when it comes to Christmas gifts (or just gifts in general), I tend to overspend and become a broke bitch by the end of the month. Thank god I still have a job.

Not only that, it would be my anniversary with my boyfriend. I am pretty sure I am making this sound bigger than it should be but I am proud of us. With the amount of shit we have been through this year, it's a miracle how we are still together. I was intending to do something nice for my boyfriend and I always think "What can I do that he will like and enjoy?".

So, what am I going to do you ask? I am just going to make dinner for him and then we will just cuddle in bed. Sounds boring, I know, but I think he will love it and it would be nice to just hang out. In terms of presents, I was trying to think of what to get either and I have something in mind, probably going to reveal it during our one year together.

One question I get often from my friends is "Huh? One year only meh? I thought longer?" In which I would reply yes, but we broke up for a while before getting back together. I believe that if people break up and patch back and continue counting how long they have been together, there is no point. Firstly, I think people would take the relationship for granted. People can patch and break up 10 times and say that they have been together for 10 months. Secondly, I strongly feel like if you want to start over, this is a good way. By restarting, you would get angry because whatever was build last time was gone and you will be more determined to work on the relationship.

But yeah, really excited to meet him to "celebrate" this Sunday.

I have also gotten a gift for myself for the first time. I got myself a polaroid camera in hopes that I will take more photos in 2019 for memories. I want to capture my happiest moments in film and it has been something I wanted for quite sometime. Really excited to see it today.

I also hope that I will take many photos this month and post it up. The outings and what not. Excited for it.

In other news, I have been actively working on a project. It's for one of my close friends and I must say for a first timer, I am really proud of what I could do with little knowledge. Maybe I will find a way to post it here once it is completed.

Also, I am intending to apply for University as well. I really hope I can get in and continue studying so that my parents would stop worrying. So, with that said, may 2019 be a better year than 2018. Less depressing, less negativity and less troubles.

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