2020 Typical Circuit Breaker Post


It has been quite some time since I blogged and I kind of miss it. This time, I am going to talk about my 2020 experience in Singapore.

During January, my boyfriend had to stay in camp for over 20 days and I did not get the chance to see him till the end of January. It was also the first time he slept over at my house. We stayed up, talked and cuddled since we did not spend much time together at the start of 2020. In the morning, we ordered Mac Donald's breakfast before he went back home. We also met a few more times for volleyball and spend time together at my house. Other than that, we celebrated Chinese New Year and went to my friend's house to play with her adorable kitten, Miso.

In February, we celebrated my boyfriend's birthday. I cooked him a meal (or attempt to cook) as a celebration. I also bought a branded wallet for him. By March, we had a birthday celebration for my grandfather who lives in Malaysia. It was also the first time I brought my boyfriend to meet all my relatives from my mum side of the family. I am so proud of how well he handled the crowd because I could never do that. The amount of people is overwhelming.

Slowly, it became April. When Singapore started to implement circuit breaker measures. Lucky for me, I have exams till the start of May so I used the time to study at home. Meanwhile, my parents stopped working and stayed at home, bored. We still try to go out and exercise. Every morning, I will wake up and go for a morning walk/jog with my dad. In the evening, my dad, mum and I will go for an evening walk after dinner. I think this period of time made me exercise more than I ever did and I managed to lose 4kg!

After my exams, I decided to try out the Chloe Ting 2 weeks shred program. Of course, for my body, I was unable to get abs in 2 weeks. However, I did lose a bit more weight and I sweat a lot from the workouts. My tummy also became smaller a tiny bit and my outer thighs became more toned. I still head out for morning walks with my dad and sometimes evening walks if my legs do not hurt. I also started a drawing account on Instagram (@doodlesbysirlestin) to practice drawing once again during this period of time. Instead of just posting successful drawings, I posted my drawing fails as well for me to look back and improve on my drawings in the future.

What I have been considering is to find time to try free online courses on marketing or management. Maybe I would try other subjects as well, things that I am interested in. I am also looking forward to going back to work at my old workplace as they offered me a position for a year. To me, it is a great opportunity to gain more experience and still have a job after I finish my last semester in school. Moreover, I really do not want to take money from my parents and want to save more money for my future, especially if I want to be a proper adult and start a life with my boyfriend after we both graduate from university.

From this circuit breaker, I found out my tolerance level for dealing with my mum. It is quite funny especially when my dad complains to me about my mum's actions sometimes. I guess this circuit breaker is driving everyone crazy but what can we do? We are a family.

Hopefully, I am able to meet my boyfriend again in July. I have not seen him for 2 months, soon to be 3 months since we are unable to meet during phase 1. It feels kind of like a long-distance relationship despite us living in Singapore. Unlike some couples who secretly meet during circuit breaker, my boyfriend and I did not meet. Both of us have been busy trying to better ourselves. Me trying to be healthier, fit and draw better. Him, getting accepted into uni and finding a part-time job to earn money before he starts school.

I hope everyone stays safe during this period of time. Hopefully, a vaccine will be found for COVID to stop everyone from suffering. Please continue to practice good hygiene and wear masks when you head out. :)

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