Wait, it's June already?


So much for keeping things consistent. It is already June and I only made 1 post in January. And it is a sad post. Instead of promising myself to be consistent, I shall try to post as often as I can. Not really for anyone to take a look at but more for myself to look back on and reflect on me or even look back at the good times. But if you are a random stranger reading this...... Hello to you and welcome to my overly emotional blog. 

January was a really intense month. I was trying to start out my year on a positive note but it seems that I made things harder for myself. The first day of the year, I actually hung out with my secondary school friends who are basically the group of people who grow up from students to young adults with me. We had a game day, playing games such as saboteur, monopoly deal, Jenga, goldfish, UNO and bluff. The conclusion was: games bring out the worst in us and we are potentially breaking our friendships LOL.

I also went to my first 21st birthday party of the year. Since I am turning 21 this year, I anticipated going to different parties. I must say the only thing I am thankful for from this party was making a new friend. Everyone seemed to not know each other and it made things really awkward. And that is why I am not going to do the same thing.

I also got the chance to strengthen my friendships with many old friends of mine. Clubbing at cherry was a fun experience, especially with cheap pre-drinking and good company. I am grateful that I have a group of volleyball friends that still keep in touch and hang out outside of volleyball. Besides that, I completed my first ever 5km run. I can't believe that I managed to actually jog all 5km. This was one of the proud accomplishments that I wish to have more in the future. 

My poly friends also managed to celebrate one of our friend's birthdays. It was my first time making a magazine for my friend as a present. I must say it is a great experience and I never want to do it again unless I have a lot of time and resources. It was a very chill celebration consisting of things that my friend loves and it was a really good day.

In Feb, one of my friends was going to fly off. We all tried to hang out more often and had numerous heart to heart conversations. I also met a new person who is a friend of my sister's boyfriend and we had a delicious dessert that he brought over. It was also Chinese New Year which means gambling and I clearly have no luck so I did not win any money. 

As I am still working, my friend at work and I were glad to be included in team bonding sessions that my workplace organised. I had the chance to learn watercolour and calligraphy, and by the end of the session, I got to keep the practice book and the marker. Needless to say, I was obsessed with it. 

My boyfriend and I also celebrated his birthday at Mount Faber. I made a similar "magazine" present consisting of our ups and downs the entire year we were together. I made a plan for his celebration but we did not follow it and ended up having a chill session at my house before dinner. I know it was not really his style going to an expensive restaurant for dinner but I hope that he liked the food. What I must say is that he was very excited to see the Koi fishes in the pond at the back of the restaurant. When he had such a huge smile on his face, my heart melted. I was happy because he was happy. We walked around a bit and I almost fell (yes I am so romantic). The buckle on my heels came undone and I was struggling to correct it without falling again. When I gave up on it, he actually bent down and helped me buckle. Yes, it sounds cute but I was literally panicking and going "Omg why why stand up please don't do this." 

I also went for ilight with my best friend since I have not hung out in a long time with her and ilight was kind of our yearly outing. We actually caught our other friend on a date. Who would have known? We had a lot of fun with making our own bouquets, free random drinks and free movie screening. 

In March, I went to Batam for the first time. The trip was full of delicious seafood that I can eat forever and numerous grab rides. I did not enjoy the trip 100% because of disagreements but I did get a bag for myself, a little reminder that I went to Batam. It was a good chill session, especially at the Anchor Cafe. It has the best breakfast with the most delicious carrot cake that we could not stop eating although we were all very full of food and were about to explode. 10 out of 10 would recommend to go. 

My boyfriend and I also watched Captain Marvel which I was a bit disappointed by. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it was kind of boring. But we wanted to watch it to prepare for Endgame. In the end, we chilled at my house as usual. 

This month ended off with a family outing after so long, with my relatives. We used to go Bukit Timah hill every Sunday when my dad still had his lorry. Ever since it was sold, we never had any family outing anymore. However, we did head to Labrador Park and had a great time. I love exercising with my family and bonding together. 

April was getting a bit better. My dad actually asked if my boyfriend and I wanted to have lunch with him. We ate $2.50 mee hoon kueh and went to find my mother. My boyfriend and I decided to head back to my house first to chill before he goes home. As we were walking to my house, I was thinking in my head "Wouldn't it be funny if I did not have the key and we have to find my parents downstairs again?" And out of all days, I really did not bring my keys out. My boyfriend was very unamused but we managed to get the keys and unlock the door. 

I also had a quick meet up session with my other group of poly friends. We had delicious ramen and hung out at Starbucks. We listened to each other's updates on our own lives and had a really chill time. 

In May, I got a new mattress because the springs on the old one had been stabbing by back and I had a very hard time trying to sleep. I met up with my best friend to hang out because I was really bored too. In the end, my mattress came and my friend followed me back to my house. She helped me with my new mattress and almost fall during the process. (Haha I am so sorry.) I was digging my old stuff and we were looking back at our secondary school days. It was good to reminisce about the past sometimes. 

We also celebrated my other poly friend's birthday at my other friend's Zi Char store. It was really really good and if you are reading this please go on ahead to try it. 

Name: 18 Lao Jie Fang
Address: Block 18 Bedok South Road

If you happen to follow my Instagram (@sirlestin), you would be able to see the food we had that day complied in one of my Instagram posts. The Zi Char place also has an Instagram account (@18laojiefang_seafood) that whoever is reading can check out. 

I also had a ladies night with my group of volleyball friends again. We drank at my house and went clubbing. It was such a fun night but I was in need of a break from clubbing and drinking for a while. Nevertheless, I had such a great time and hopefully, we can do it again in the future (not near future).

There was also another celebration for one of my friends. We ate at black tap where they have the ridiculously huge ass milkshakes. Their burgers are really good and we ended the night by having a heart to heart conversation along MBS. 

I also sprained my ankle during this month and had a week of MC just to rest at home. Of course, my mother had to drag me out on her off day and we watched 2 movies. It was nice hanging out with my mother, although she constantly forgets about me and walks away really fast while I hobble behind, trying to catch up to her. I went back to see my coach as well, just to talk to him a bit and see how he was doing. I ended up having a really good conversation with my secondary school teacher. 

Last but not least, I got to watch endgame with my boyfriend. (Come to think of it I have already watched 4 movies this year.) My friends were really nice to not spoil it for me, although they kept teasing me about spoiling it. Just when I think I am safe, my boyfriend decides to spoil it for me. Before the movie started and even during the movie. Outrageous. So I did what any normal person would do and stuffed popcorn in his face whenever he says "I watched this part before..."

So these were some of the highlights from this year till June. I am ending my contract at work soon (Sad) and starting school soon (idk how to feel about it). Hopefully the rest of the year goes smoothly. 

Bye. :D

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