Update: January Part 1


I feel that there are so many things happening that causes me to not post anything at all. A quick update about the whole entire month of January. 

I think the first thing that sucked a lot was the fight in my group. No, not the physical fight of course. You know how girls can get super bitchy and start to stir shit between people? Yeah that. Basically, this girl in my group has been telling me she would be doing the work but she ends up not doing it. As the project was due soon, I ended up starting to do her part first in which she comes to whatsapp me, asking me why I did it when she was suppose to do it. I just replied that I want to complete the project because without her part, we are unable to continue. She stated that she was busy and would be doing another part with another group mate of mine. 

She actually whatsapped me at around 1.30pm stating that she will be doing that part with the guy NOW. (Emphasizing on the word) At night when i went online to check, i saw nothing. Thinking that my phone has some issues, i went to ask in the group whether they are halfway done or they needed help. The guy end up telling me that they were just starting. At that point in time it was already like 9 plus 10pm? I was furious of course. Who tells people that they are doing it now and doesn't do it. 

Of course i just shut up. After a few days, we were all online to edit the work. Surprise surprise, she did not finish her part. I was editing the font and the size of the words when she suddenly whatsapped in the group asking me to stop. She then proceed to ask why i am in such a rush to change the fonts when i can just finish my part or do something else. First of all, i was already done with my part long ago. Second of all, there weren't anything else left to do so i changed the font size. She claimed that me changing the font size was breaking her train of thoughts in which i wanted to tell her that she should have already finished her part. 

I replied to her message saying "It just takes a few seconds. I don't understand why you are so annoyed." In which she replied that we both know that me being annoyed is not because of this incident. She started to emphasize that not everyone has time to do the work which i did not disagree. I just kept replying that i want to finish the project. Of course, she had to reply saying that i think the rest does not want to finish the project. At this point in time my group mates were already asking us to stop arguing. I was not even doing anything, i just kept saying that i want to complete the project and ask her to finish the part. 

At the end of the project she came to apologize to me and kept emphasizing that she is busy with her own work and she doesn't have time to finish her part. My friend saw her snapchat and told me that she was hanging out with her boyfriend, singing karaoke with her family, eating ice cream. She immediately deleted her snaps when she saw that my friend saw it. So this girl told me that she was helping her dad test the machine and stuff. She also stated that she and the others would appreciate it if i do not bad mouth them behind their backs which i do not know where the fuck she got that idea from but whatever. She proceed to talk about my other group members saying that the words they say made the others feel bad which i don't even understand how because one of them said that if we needed help just call her because she finished her part and my friend selected the message and ask if she can help us now with another part. She claims that my friend is using the girl's words against her which makes zero sense. 

At the end of the day, it is simple. You don't prioritize your work, you don't tell the truth, you ask me to stop bad mouthing you guys when you bad mouth my friends and expect me to not tell them. Then you kept emphasizing on not having time to do work when everyone else is super busy and still can get their work done. 

This is why i hate interacting with females. 

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