3 things i learnt in life


Song of the day is Formidable by Stromae.

Formidable, formidable
Tu étais formidable, j'étais fort minable
Nous étions formidables
Tu étais formidable, j'étais fort minable
Nous étions formidables

Wonderful, wonderful
You were wonderful, I was so pathetic
We were wonderful

Probably a weird song choice but I just felt like this is a wonderful song and french is such a beautiful language. 

So recently i have been going through a lot of things mostly mentally and i just felt like writing it down. Some people may experience this and even if you didn't, it doesn't really matter. These are just a few things i learnt in life. 

Rule 1: NEVER laugh at anybody's insecurities

Personally, i feel that insecurities are something that no one should laugh at. If a person shows his/her insecurity, it just shows that the person trusts you and laughing is just such a wrong thing to do. Laughing gives them the impression that you think what they are feeling is a joke. As stupid as it may sound to you, to others it is serious. I have experienced this recently and let me just tell you, it is the worst feeling ever when someone you actually trust so much laugh at your insecurities, especially when you are having a hard time trying to explain to the person.

Rule 2: Don't ever tell someone you feel like giving up on them, especially when they need you the most

There is a reason why people do certain things, act certain ways and no matter how difficult someone is, if they are really your friend, you should stick to them. They may not admit that they need you right at that moment, it is just wrong to tell them you feel like giving up on them. It may be hard but no matter how many walls a person builds up to protect himself/herself, saying these few words would just hit them right through their hearts. It is shitty to hear someone say they give up on you and don't do that ever.

Rule 3: Everyone needs someone to listen but no one is actually willing to listen and care

Honestly, i feel like majority of the people care about themselves more than others. They tend to care about their own problems and try to only solve their problems and not help others. But hey, there are so many people in this world that just needs someone to care and listen. If someone is willing to do it for you, why not do it for them? It doesn't kill to be a little nicer to someone. In fact, being able to help others is really one of the greatest feeling you will ever feel. 

These are just my opinions. You may agree or disagree but i hope that it might at least help some people express how they feel. 

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