Something i am afraid of


Here is an update. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

There are many things people are afraid of and for me, i am afraid of lightning and thunder.

I am not a fan of loud sudden noises. Therefore, i hate balloons. When i was young, i had a balloon that burst all of the sudden and it freaked me out.

Anyway, my sister told me today that since young i was scared of lightning and thunder. Apparently i was doing homework in my parent's room and it was dark. I was sitting near the window and there was a sudden flash of light and thunder. I got so freaked out i cried. At at point, the only people at home were my sister and my grandma and my sister said she came to see what's wrong and found me crying. So she hugged me while i cried and laughed at me. (What a good sister......)

I remember another time i was doing work in my sister's room at my table which is close to the window. Unlike my parent's room, my sister's room has 4 windows. It was dark, really dark. Imagine the scary ass lightning and thunder, the type that scares the shit out of people. Yes, that happened. I got freaked out and hid under a blanket till it stopped.

Honestly, i am fine with lightning and thunder, like i won't freak out unless it is the type that scares the shit out of people.

So, today, while i was in my room, it was dark as usual, it rained. Lightning and thunder were making me jump from time to time. Then suddenly there was a scary ass lightning and thunder that made me so freaked out. It sounded like it hit something and there was an orange glow that followed. Of course i was freaking the fuck out and i went to the living room where my sister was at.

Lightnings look nice in pictures but in real life i really really cannot take it.

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