Alumni Night :)


Hey hey hey! I'm going to blog about my Saturday, 4 July. 

But first, song of the day: Like i'm gonna lose you. I think it is pretty awesome.

I was quite excited for that day as i get to go out the entire day and enjoy myself. (Sort of) My morning was horribly ruined by an annoying girl from my class who i think i mentioned before. She came to school, sat in front of me at the tables in front of my school library. Of course, my strong dislike towards her made me just stare at my notes to do some last minute studying before the test i was about to have. After awhile she just walked away and didn't bother to tell me where she was going. I assumed she was going to the toilet or something so i just continued reading silently.However, one of my friends came over and asked why i didn't went over to sit with them and i was like "What the fuck?" (pardon my language) because i had no idea they were here already. Turns out that girl didn't ask me to move and told them i was sitting at another table. They were wondering why i didn't move and came to look for me. Like what? Are you freaking mute? No right? Can talk to them but cannot even inform me that they arrived? Wow thanks a lot. 

So during the test, i actually wanted to leave early because i finished but when i see her leaving early, i just continued sitting there and wasted 10 mins of my life sitting down and staring at the paper. At the end of the exam, we were actually suppose to meet up to do one of our projects but turns out everyone disappeared leaving only me and my friend there. We tried doing a bit as it was really hard to do without everyone. Later, in the afternoon, i met my awesome 'brother" to go to scape. One of the reasons was to get my laptop bag. Another one is he wanted to get my birthday present but he has no idea how to go to scape. Also, i really really wanted to eat sushi. We ate a lot that day but it was fun. I got my laptop bag and a matching tote bag (My birthday present) which made me really happy. After awhile i met up with socky and went for alumni night at my secondary school. 

We waited for Felicia and Megan to come too. Basically, its a movie night for all alumni to come and enjoy but because no one wants to watch a movie, everyone ended up talking and catching up with each others life. I managed to take a picture with my senior who i lost contact with after secondary 2 and it was quite cool because we actually remembered each other after a few years. My teachers also recognise me which i was so excited about. (Or maybe because i am really really happy thats all) After that, we went to take a lot of pictures and once the movies ended, we went to a nearby exercise corner to lepak. It got me thinking a lot while my friends are talking. (Or maybe i am just damn tired) But nevertheless i enjoyed my night tremendously.

 I would probably post pictures of my gift on my birthday blog post if i am doing one. :)

Haha, a funny picture for you guys :)

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