Another Birthday Celebration?/ Monthly outing: July


Song of the day: Good for you by Selena Gomez. I think the song is quite nice so check it out.

So...... Hey guys! Yesterday was my monthly outing with my secondary school clique girls. However, I had a test in the morning so i met them after my test ended. I was told to wait at my school because my friend's friend was coming to meet me to pass me some of her stuff. I stood outside my school's library, making sure that i was more noticeable so that her friend can spot me easily. I stood for about an hour i guess, feeling warm and tired and i was in jeans because the theme was jeans. At the very last moment when i wanted to just tell them i will meet them at the MRT station now instead of waiting for her friend, three idiots appear with party hats. HAHA of course with a handful of bags. They came to surprise me and celebrate my birthday. Belated of course. I was honestly quite happy that they came to my school because everytime i ask them to come, they would say that its too far. They bought me a cake from Paris Baguette (IDK HOW TO SPELL),  Macaroons, a grey pullover because i always like grey shirts, a polaroid AVENGERS so that we can take pictures later. Also, they made me a birthday card which has this part where there are drawings as shown below.

The three idiots <3

Presents :)
 Part of the card drawn by socky. :)
Happy me looking happy
I really love this photo because i never ever look really happy when i am in photos. My smiles are very fake looking. HAHA.

So after the celebration, we took pictures at my school's famous white wall. 

Me and Megan :)

Me and Felicia :)
Me and Socky :)
Recognize the white wall?

After that we headed to pizza hut and ate a $50 set meal with 4 drinks, 4 soups 2 pizzas and also 1 pasta. It was good. We headed to Bras Basah next, because i wanted to go to the Singapore Arts Museum. (SAM) It was really beautiful, the different art pieces and the stories about the art pieces. The thing about museums and art is that it makes you think a lot and it really opens your eyes and brings you to a whole new level. This is my favourite art piece because of the type of item used to make this art piece and how beautifully it is being portrayed although it was all black.
This is like one part of the painting only. Its like a room and all four walls are painted black, filled with charcoal and a machine moving all the charcoal around. The thing i found out about this art museum is that it has a very dark theme. By dark i mean the art pieces look beautiful but has a dark meaning. Before we left, i got two notebooks, blank notebooks for drawing because the front was so cute. Also, it is sort of a piece of memory?

This is a piece of Mr Lee Kuan Yew made out of shampoo bottle caps and light. This art piece is called No More Tears, Mr Lee. This art piece is made using Johnson Baby's shampoo bottle caps. The reason why the artist made this with that shampoo bottle cap brand is due to the slogan of the company: "No more tears, Baby" and this is why the art piece is called No More Tears, Mr Lee.

After that we went to chill at Starbucks nearby. I bought the Cotton Candy Drink that was really popular in the past but since i never drink Starbucks a lot, i got it for free. Okay, not really free but with my sister's Starbucks card.

We chatted for about an hour before Socky left. The three of us continued the journey to Megan's church for a few minutes and then we went to take pictures with street art nearby.  

 After that we went to Scape where i got this bubble tea from this shop that has very nice bubble tea but before we got into the shop, we passed by this booth outside along with other booths that sell clothes and stuff. What caught my eye was that this booth sells things and all the money goes to charity. I managed to get a book for $5 and the thing about this booth is that they wrap their books and write some words that describes the book's content. So i chose this book that i suspect was written by one of my favourite authors, James Patterson. When i opened the package, it was really a book by him and the best thing is that it is his first book of the whole series which is so rare to find. I was so excited to read it but i could not due to the overwhelming projects and homework due which i have not started...... I probably should end this now.

Hee hee. Here's a picture:
Street art at Scape. :)

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