A really really bad day


SONG OF THE DAY: Clean by Taylor Swift

23 June is probably the worst day I ever experienced so far. The night before I went to the airport to fetch my sister and my mum from their recent Taiwan trip. When they arrived, it seems like everything was my fault. I was getting blamed for every single thing. "OH YOU PUSH THE LUGGAGE THING SO SLOW,TOMORROW MORNING ALSO CANNOT REACH HOME." Although I was clearly in front of them with the luggage trolley thing. Of course. It is always my fault. Anyways, it was pretty clear everyone was PMS-ing throughout the whole way home. We arrived home around 12+, 1.a.m. so it was pretty late. I stayed up longer to complete my LEAP homework that was due the next day. I slept around 2+, 3.a.m. and woke up at around 7.a.m. the next day.

I woke up with cramps which was hurting me quite badly. It was really really shitty as i could not get out of bed that easily. Like normally it is my weak willpower to get up but this time it is the cramps and it was killing me. But i got up anyways. I went to school on a crowded bus, no seats but i was too tired to even care. I was half asleep, standing on the bus when i realized that i didn't bring my jacket. So imagine having cramps, no seats, tired as hell and freezing on the bus. Oh that was not the end. When i reach Tampines, received a message saying that my morning class was cancelled. I could actually sleep longer if i knew the lesson was cancelled earlier. I need about an hour plus to travel to school so every morning i wake up two hours before school starts. Imagine the anger on that day. Not to mention, i skipped breakfast because i thought i was late. I was tired, cold and hungry and really really moody. I headed to school anyways. What else could i do right?

When i reached school, i went to Mac to have breakfast with my friends who came earlier but were too lazy to go home. We hung out at Mac, me scrunched up on the hard chair. My friends started talking about horror movies which i hate a lot and most of us hate that a lot but for some reason everyone was talking about it. To make matters worse, i had to face one of the people i hate a lot early in the morning and she kept trying to get our attention which was really annoying considering the fact that everyone disliked her and were all ignoring her. Oh and another thing, i was sick. Yeah, because my sister and mother who came back from Taiwan were sick and they sort of passed the illness to me. So recap, sick, tired, cold, not really hungry anymore.

Since there is no morning class, it means the homework that was due for that class is not due today. Of course, everyone was pissed off since all of us stayed up to do the work. That was sort of the end. Like we had another class but it was not that bad since my tutor was nice. Then we had a long break which i enjoyed since my classmates and i had a very fun chat. I skipped training because of my serious cramps and illness and head home.

Maybe it is true, that every cloud has a silver lining. I got to enjoy the end of my day anyways. I guess it wasn't that bad.

Here is a picture of flowers. :D You guys are beautiful.

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