CHRISTMAS feat my annoying ass sister


Song of the day: Let it snow (Although christmas is over, christmassy songs can wtill be played, right?)

25 Dec 2015
First year of having christmas at my uncle's new apartment, you might know it. It's called the Sky Habitat. Honestly, my uncle has been inviting everyone to his house but none of us wanted to go because:
1. Nobody has the time to just go to his house
2. He is constantly stressed up and just by looking at him when he talks to you, you get stressed up
3. His wife doesn't talk and does not act like a proper mother.
4. He has a demonic daughter and a stressed up daughter.
5. He asked my father to help him build something which my father can't and doesn't do anymore because he had heart attack last time and is not suppose to do heavy lifting. My father said no. He got mad and said my father purposely doesn't want to help him. (Well you maybe rich but so what?)

So from that 5 points alone itself you can probably tell how my 2015 christmas was. Shit. Christmas was just ruined. We were practically forced to his house and not to mention my mother complains way too much and had just ruin my mood that day itself. His house was not big. It was cramped and the way he places his furniture made it look like there is no space for people to walk. It was sufforcating. My cousin who is back from the army was telling us about his army performace and stuff when my uncle suddenly cut in. To me he is being rude by saying that nowadays guys are lousy at running when his daughter can run 1.6km in about 6mins. His daughter (for fucks sake) is in track and field. And by that i was already turned off. I did not want to talk to him at all.

We were then brought to the function room. It was just a room. With air conditioning. Seriously. Oh and tables and chairs. What could we do? Sit there and eat the buffet ordered. So basically from around 3pm to around 7pm we had nothing to do but eat? Nothing else was planned and adults being adults like to talk like they know every single fucking thing. My cousin and sister and i escaped and went to explore and took pictures instead of being sufforcated in that stupid room full of lying adults. After we came back the adults decided to explore, leaving us with my uncle. Well of course it was the worse experience ever. He talked to me and the look on his face just makes me want to ask him to shut up and calm the fuck down. He was frowning every single time he talked and it was stressful for everyone in the room. My cousin saved us by asking me to go out of the room with her which is the best idea i have ever heard since i arrived. Honestly, i just wanted to get my presents and go.

Well there is a shitty christmas.

Now to the part about my sister. Recently she has been wearing my clothes without my permission. I gave her 2 pairs of short already and she is still asking me to lend her my clothes. What the fuck?  Can't she get her own clothes and why must she constantly wear my clothes? Annoying much? I don't understand whats her problem. Just because she is older now she is more bitchy? She is acting like a brat and acting like she knows everything. I just can't stand her. She doesn't bother to help around the house and orders people to do stuff for her. I am just so annoyed with her i need to get it off my chest.

Here are a few pictures.

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