2015 bye. Hello 2016


Song of the YEAR: Can't feel my face. (Currently addicted to this song.)

IT'S 2016!!! First of all, Happy New Year Guys 😊😊😊 i have no idea what to say so i am probably going to talk about the best moments of my 2015 life.

All the way back to Jan~

During Jan, i was still working with wonderful people of Royal Sporting House at Yishun. My caring manager Mak, awesome assistant manager Mary, favourite person who taught me everything about apparal Maria, the funniest and wise Don, the generous and matured Kevin and also my part time partner Pin Feng. I must say, to be able to meet such awesome people at my first job is pretty amazing. I am really grateful for all the help they gave and although everyone is seperating, we are still one family. 😊

I dont really remember what happened during Feb but it was love month and i am single so i probably spend it alone doing nothing. But what i do remember is my friend? Closest friend? Like brother? Yeah his birthday. I remembered preparing a gift for him in hopes that he would look at it when he is feeling down and cheer up. I hand made a stack of small polaroid like things and pasted photos i have of him and his friends and wrote happy quotes on it. I also got him something he like and a jacket. Come to think about it, he probably think that i'm stupid for doing such things but oh well. I have my reasons 😂😂😂

March was family day if i did not remember wrongly and my good friend/ brother (lets just say brother, the same guy whose birthday falls on valentine day, the one i talk about above) went with me to our sec school's family day thing. I wanted to go for some reason idk why but then i did not want to go alone and he promised he would go with me. His friends asked him whether he wants to go with them in a way, making him sort of like choose who he wants to go with and i wasn't aware till the day itself. In the end he said that he promised me so he is going with me and i was really happy and relieved. Thank god i didn't go alone. We sort of spend the whole day together talking and finding things to do. It was nice just walking and talking. For the first time actually going out with him alone, it was not awkward like i thought it would be. And what i remember most about it was he said that he is really happy that day. Also i gave him his overdued present which i guess he liked it?

April was the month i started poly (if i am not wrong?) I was not posted to the school of my choice but i was posted to a course i am interested in at TP. I was not a big fan of TP since it was so far away and travelling was so tiring. However, going to TP might be a good thing. I am in a wonderful class of awesome people and people that are my sec schoolmate's friend is in my class too. 2015 i do not regret meeting wonderful people like them.

May may may! I have no idea what i did in May. I only know i had an assignment where i am suppose to go around fullerton hotel that area and take pictures and stuff. It was the day where everyone dressed nicely because we needed to take pictures. It was really fun actually although the first few minutes were hot as hell! We ran around taking pictures, eating ice cream and meeting my other classmates at one of the places. It was a great day.

June! My secondary school's volleyball camp. The teacher in charge invited us back for the camp and there was a buffet. The seniors, us, played a match together and it was so fun! I love volleyball a lot so no matter what, i would usually love the game. We had food and i went around taking pictures with my friends i haven't seen in awhile. I remember my close friends argued about our monthly outing and we were trying to solve the problem but everyone were constantly pissed off so it was kind of hard. I took a picture with my ex that day which of course brought a lot of "OHHHHHH. WAAAAA. AISEHHHH *smirk smirk* *wink wink*" all that crap.

July, my birthday monthhhhhhhhhh. It was probably one of the most memorable times because the day before my birthday i had school and i was late for school because of the god damn bus. It broke down and i couldn't get on another bus. I was late of course and my friends who planned a surprise for me had to change their plan which was pretty funny but i really appreciate them celebrating my birthday. If you guys are reading this, thanks a lot. Another memorable moment was my sec school clique, my bestest friends, came to my school and celebrated my birthday. I was so touched about the fact that they came to my school which is bloody far just to celebrate my birthday with me. They brought me to a museum which i wanted to go and i couldn't ask for a better birthday. Thank you a lot guys. I really really appreciate it.

Also, shitty stuff happened. My ex wished me happy birthday and we ended up talking about the past. July is the month where i am the happiest and the most fucked up. I was so depressed, i kept thinking about the past. A lot of crying and a lot of comfort from my "brother". Really grateful to have good friends by my side.

August! Met up with my secondary 1 and 2 classmates. One of them migrated to US if i am not wrong and he came back to Singapore so we took the chance to have a meal with him and catch up. It was nice to see everyone again. After eating at pizza hut (AMK) we took a picture and head for the playground students always go to. We sat there and took pictures, played games, talked and it was really a nice moment.

September. I had my second part time job at a hotel. The ritz carlton hotel. I was suppose to help in the hotel guest service. So basically i was suppose to be at the lobby, being friendly and helping everyone in. I met three lovely girls who i ended up spending a lot of time telling jokes with. Having so much staff, we had nothing to do and we just told each other jokes to entertain overselves. They are the nicest people to work with and i would not forget the times we slacked at the room with nachos for our break. Of course, we were lucky to have the manager guide us and he did a really good job. There is always people constantly guiding us and it was nice to be able to learn more things.

October was my third job month. I work at MBS as a banquet server. I learnt how to set tables in different styles, different ways and a lot of the back of the house things. I am not a fan of MBS service but it was an experience working there. I remembered how done my friends and i were after learning all those and we were sent to work at the booths. We have no idea what to do but the lady in charge of the booth we were at was very nice and she told us everything we need to do. She is really caring. At the end of the whole MBS booth experience, we were given a mini reward which my friends and i used on celebrating the end of work with desserts at coffee bean. I remember my friends and i laughing a lot and being cold near the waterfall thing.

November. My sister graduated and i went to SIM. I got lost because i have never been there before. Holding a huge soft toy and balloons, i took a taxi to SIM and took pictures with my sister at her graduation. After that, my "brother" came to fetch me over back to my school to watch volleyball match. Ever since i got into TP i never got to play volleyball because i was too short. I remember his friends came and they wanted to go eat after that. But he fetched me here and i need very long time to go home. I was considering going home myself so that i wasn't a burden. Turns out he drove me home. It was an awkward drive home because i thought i was a burden and made him pissed off since his friends seemed pissed off and he thought i was tired and didn't talk to me. In the end we still talked when i reach home and when he reach home after awhile.

December is the christmas monthhhhh. I spent it with my sec school friends and my poly friends on different days at gardens by the bay. The lights are beautiful and it was the perfect place for gift exchange and celebrating christmas. I remember i was so excited about swinging chairs that my friend and i went to get tokens and then realise that the swinging chairs is for kids. So we played other games. My friend won 2 mini dragons and gave one to me and it is the cutest thing ever. I also got to eat at dancing crab with my mum and my sister to celebrate her birthday. It was a fun experience and a lot of inside jokes were made.

2015 ups and downs but it has been a pretty good year. 😊

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