

I am back with a new post.

Today i am going to write about what i experienced for the past few days regarding one of my school projects. I am currently studying a module called Travel and Tour Business. The coursework grades for that has came out a few days ago so this is what happen.

My friend told me we got a D+ for our group project and i was shocked. Why? Because usually my group's project grade is around at B at least and it is the first time i got a D+ for a group project. Plus, having to put in so much effort to complete the work because some people don't is so tiring. So i decided to email my teacher to find out more about why we are getting such grades. 

She tried calling me a few times but due to work, i was unable to answer. So there is this girl, lets call her A. So i told my friend to not tell the group that we got a D+ because drama will happen and drama meaning A will explode and make a big fuss about it. Which did happen. The first thing she did was blame a guy in our group for printing the brochure with white boarders. (She did this in a separate group). Then proceed to act innocent in the actual group. She wanted to email the teacher which at this point in time i immediately said i emailed her already and she is unavailable from 20th to 22nd Feb. I told them to wait for her reply to me and i will update them. 

Being the impatient asses, this girl lets call her B. B went to find the teacher's number because A said she cannot wait till 22nd Feb and wants to call her. B got her number and asked whether she should message her. In which the guy in the group said message tomorrow because it was already late like 12 midnight. B said okay. Let me emphasize. B said OKAY. And guess what she did? She messaged the teacher at 00:32 (according to my teacher). First of all, that is the rudest thing because not everyone has the fucking time to reply to your shit. Second of all, it is after office hours. Lastly, SOMEONE TOLD YOU TO NOT FUCKING MESSAGE HER AND YET WHAT DID YOU DO? Message her. Even though u said OKAY to messaging her the next day. 

So she told everyone what the teacher said and i will put it here: 

B: hi guys, so adeline goh just called me. so basically we have problems in almost everything? like we didnt rlly read the marking rubrics. tour brochure, tour costing, everything has little parts that we didnt complete 😅
celestine, adeline goh called u but i think u didnt ans! if u want clarify again, u can call her back :)

And then she proceed to say:

B: simple simple mistakes but everywhere also have sigh

My friend: But D+ abit like wow huh

B: yeah i asked her
she said its like that
idk why its so so bad also

Then continue with other messages then she said:

B: she says we got wrong in out accomodations and attractions and report and everything
she said ours outdated

And then other messages and then this: 

B: sigh i thought so too. but apparently there's little problems in everything

So it ended off with A saying that she is very unhappy and wants to go to school to find her. At that point in time i am already furious with their crap so i replied: 

I settle with her first can
If not like everyone seperately talk to her then later troublesome for her

Then suddenly no one dare to reply sia. Amazeballs.
So today i went to meet up with the teacher and here is the list of things that i sent to the group after having the feedback session with my teacher: 

Hey guys so i have met up with Ms Goh just now in school and these are the following info she mentioned:

1) No content page and page number

2) No issues with the objectives so good job to whoever did that part! 👍🏻

3) For unique selling point, whoever did sceneric as one of the points is wrong. Like its not exactly a unique selling point.

4) For the rationale of chosen suppilers part, the accommodation (whoever who chose it) is not suitable as it has only 80 rooms now

5) Compared to other groups, we can actually add in more attractions

6) Tour costing many things missing/wrong such as meals, accommodation, attraction pricing not included, guide fee not included for the last day, tips should not be included

7) Tour brochure: we missed out 2 things which are the highlights of the tour and this tour includes (this should be placed in 2 seperate boxes). Also, the pricing should be rounded up.

8) I think under unique selling point, someone in the grp suggested mymmar food? She say it is not very singaporean so thats not a good point. 

So these are the mistakes that we made according to her. As for marks allocation she mentioned that unique selling point is not strong enough and tour costing barely passed and brochure also like just pass. Thats why overall got a D+ grades. 

Also, she mentioned that someone texted her at midnight? I know everyone is unhappy with the results but isnt it kind of rude to text a teacher at midnight especially when she already stated in the email she is not free from 20 to 22? She was quite shocked and unhappy with that uh so whoever texted her just keep in mind don't do that in the future! :)

Hope these info is clear enough for u guys! :)

Let me break it down for you. 

1) Content page is usually done by the guy and for this project i guess everyone forgotten about it so yeah.

2) B's friend did it which was really good so no issue

3) B only had to do one point and this is the one point she did. Needless to say it is wrong.

4) A suggested the accommodation and refuses to admit it is her idea. She claims that "we" did it. And i have no fucking idea who is the "we" because i did not choose with them. 

5) I guess i can blame myself for this part because i did the itinerary since B isn't free and "Not everyone has free time Celest" But whether it has been edited i am not 100% sure. I only know that there has been changes made by some people. 

6) The guy did it. We trusted him we really did and he screwed up. He screwed up another project too but we got an A cos i changed his part thank god. 

7) Everyone is part of it. The pricing was suppose to be confirmed by the guy since he is doing tour costing. 

8) A suggested it and her reason is because she wants to let them taste Southeast Asia dishes.

The part about the calling was done by B as mentioned above. 

So after i send this long message, this is their reaction: 

So when i state out the mistakes, suddenly everyone wants to move on. Its over, its alright. Bitch please yall did not even do the work properly and start to drag everyone down by saying that it is everyone's fault. And then yall rage so fucking much and what happen? When i clearly state everything suddenly everything is okay. Let's move on guys. It's over. WELL, EXCUSE YOU BITCHES. It was fucking over when the results came out and instead of being mature and trying to find the issues, yall just sit there and complain and rage about shit. Fucking waste of time and space on earth. 

You people disgust me. Blame everyone. Back stab people and act innocent. I am so appalled by all of your attitudes. Thank god we are changing class next semester. Hasta La Vista Bitches. 

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