

New story! This incident happened on the 23th Feb and i started writing on the 24th Feb but i got lazy so please understand that when i say yesterday i meant 23th Feb. :D

Yesterday i went for work at Singapore Expo. And for people who are unaware, i occasionally work for TungLok, sometimes as a Service Crew sometimes as a Bento Packer. Yesterday, what we are required to do was set up the tables for today's event. My friend and i were in charge of making sure that everyone is present. My in-charge actually told everyone to not be late for the event as this is a very important event. We needed to set up numerous tables and fold napkins and do all sorts of things. There were these 2 guys that were late. They did inform the group stating that they will be slightly late. My friend and i went to find them because they say that they don't know where to go. 

We ran from Hall 1 to Subway because they said they were there but in the end they ended up walking to Hall 1 already (since i told them to head to Hall 1). However, no one bother to reply me and tell me that they already left and only chose to reply me when we reach Subway. 

I asked "I'm at subway, where are you guys?"

They said "Huh i thought you ask us to walk to hall 1?" 

At that point in time i am just like Seriously dude, why can't you guys tell us earlier. We ran from Hall 1 to Subway which was very far if you have been to Singapore Expo. When we reached and see them, they didn't bother to say anything. We brought them up to change and put their bags. Having work there for quite awhile i am quite aware of where the toilets are at. I directed them to the male toilet in which one of them replied "There is the girl toilet la." in a rude tone. Then i replied him saying that it is at the side in my mind thinking fucking idiots. They took their time to change. They took their time to put their things and they had the guts to stop for a water break when they are already freaking late. 

Fastforward to work. During work, they were being ultimate asses. My friend and her brother were putting glasses. The two guys came over to ask "What are you guys doing?" So my friend's brother proceed to say "We are putting glasses on the tables that still don't have glass." Guess what they replied?

"Oh i am just going to sit there and watch you guys do it because no one asked me to do."

Aren't they just a pair of fucking geniuses? They don't understand the concept of helping others and doing actual work i guess. So at the end of work, we have to sign this sheet of paper. Since they were late, they are to sign in from 1230 to 530, $8/hr. Guess what these two did? They put $9/hr. When they were caught, they claimed that they did not know that they are getting paid $8 per hour instead of $9. But the thing is they worked for the bento events as well and they know very well that they are getting paid $8 per hour.

Now it is where things get screwed up. Once they receive the money, they left. They left with extra money they were not suppose to get. They took the company's money. I whatsapped the group telling them to return the money tomorrow to the manager. I also told my in charge because he asked me to take a photo of the sign out sheet. Since there were cancellations, i had to explain to him what happened.

So, the next thing that happened was the manager and in charge had a conversation on the phone and decided that these 2 guys will not be coming back for the actual event. After that, my friends and i walked out to go change and we saw the 2 guys returning the cash. And of course we were like "Oh shit." Because we know that they are getting kicked out.

The next moment, this happen

The in-charge said that. Yes, my boss is a savage. 

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