Random post


Song of the day: The heart wants what it wants by Selena Gomez. I have no idea why but i am enjoying it so yeah......

Anyways, i felt like blogging but i have no idea what to blog about so i am going to blog about some random stuff. Haven't quite figure it out yet so......

Oh i know, i am going to talk about something really really shitty. Well at least i feel shitty after the whole thing. I know i have talked about my birthday quite a lot of times but just bear with me for a moment alright?

The day of my birthday my ex wished me happy birthday. I was kind of happy because he remembered that is all.He wished me and the whole day we were whatsapping each other while i was out with my "brother" and it wasn't a very happy thing for me because i was trying to enjoy myself but i kept thinking about him. I have no idea about you guys but for me i was affected easily so i kept thinking the whole day. That night before 12am, i was talking to my best guy friend and him too. Do you know what is the shittiest thing? At the last 30 mins before my birthday ended, he actually asked me if we could talk about the past. Okay the next move i made was the stupidest choice i ever did but i was curious. I didn't say yes, i didn't say no. The conversation started with me talking about how i spent my day with my brother and then he was like saying "wa go out with other guys ah?" with the emoji you guys should know which one i am talking about. Then i said no and then he say waiting for me uh? I said keep dreaming and that is where it begins.

He mentioned about how if we did not break, we would be together for quite long already. Then he proceed to ask whether we could talk about the past. I asked him what about the past. The first thing he asked me was what i look back about the past. I started talking about how sweet he was to me. The times we find a longer way to walk before we went home separately and other things. He mentioned about a few things. I mentioned more. He did not remember some and he was shocked that i remembered so much. That kind of hurt, knowing that he did not remember as much as i did and he was the one who wanted to talk about the past.

The conversation went on by saying how we broke up and how much he regretted everything which means i, who is easily affected, start to think. I mean, if you regret something, why did you even do it in the first place? And the stupidest thing a guy could do is to talk to your ex and calling her ex gf instead of her actual name. I mean HELLO? I have a freaking name for god's sake, is it so hard to call me by my name?

So imagine, i am already freaking thinking and kind of sad (Really sad to be honest) and i could not really sleep. The next day was the best man guys. What could be even worse than talking about your past on your birthday with your ex who doesn't remember much? Oh that's right, he talked to me in the morning. That wasn't very bad but he ended the conversation by saying "Thank you for the entertainment" I mean what the hell? To me, it makes him sound like a dick to be honest. Maybe to him it does not mean anything but wow girls are sensitive. Can't you think before you speak?

Throughout the whole time we talked, he chatted with a flirtatious tone and constantly teasing me like the past. Basically he just triggered all the memories from the past and just ruined me once more. Maybe to you guys its nothing but to me, he hurt me. I am a very chill type of girl. If you have good girl friends and you guys talk, i don't care because i trust you. He didn't trust me and the worst thing is he flirted with this girl and talked in a more flirtatious tone when we were dating. It was not the first time and it really really sucked because he knew very well i close one eye during the other times he flirted with other girls. It really sucked a lot.

So that is it. Pretty boring. Till now i still feel a bit sad thinking about it. I will just end off with two things. First, guys, think before you speak because girls are sensitive. Second, girls, trust your guys no matter what but if he screws up kick him in the balls and end it with him.


This is kind of cute.

Have a great day beautiful people. :)

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