

SONG OF THE DAY: Poison by Rita Ora (I don't think i have chosen this song yet so have a listen. Trust me it is nice.)

Today i am going to blog about these few days. It has just been the most upsetting and angry days of my life. I feel so tired and so restless. Yesterday was not so bad. After i went to school for test, i went to SP to find my secondary friends and watched my bro play soccer. His team didn't win though. From what i see, his team was pretty strong. When i reach home, my mother told me that she couldn't go out on the family outing we always have on a Sunday. Ever since last month, we have not been going out at all. I miss our family outings, trips to the park or beaches just to relax. It just seems as though she doesn't care about the family anymore. Constantly working for extra money. I know my family needs money but must she work overtime almost everyday? Plus, everytime my sister and father gave her money, she would say that it is not enough. I mean, you work so much and earn extra and still receive money from my father and sister. How is it even possible that you do not have money?

I guess i am just disappointed about it. I told one of my friends yesterday and what made it worse was he actually wanted to ask me to go out on Sunday night to watch fireworks at the Floating Platform but the tickets were sold out. It was sad because i still cannot go out and without the ticket he cannot go out either. I guess i will just be spending the Sunday at home feeling shitty as usual.

The day before yesterday was quite ridiculous as my teacher was being all weird and i think she is not even listening to us. She somehow cannot understand my group but when the other groups say the same thing she understood which is ridiculous because we are talking about the same thing. Come to think about it, i guess she is tired since she has to suffer the whole day in school.

Tuesday night was my CCA day and let me just say it was horrible. Not the CCA but the people playing in my team. Some of them don't even know how to play when we already attended training for more than 2 months? I mean come on, how can you not know how to play? It is ridiculous.

The stories for each day are suppose to be longer but i don't have the mood to go into detail. The main thing is i guess i really need a break.

Here is a picture for all you lovely people out there:

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