

Song of the day: Papaoutai (Pentatonix version) This is a french song i am determined to learn the lyrics and pronunciation of the words. Anyways, if you have no idea who Pentatonix is, go check them out because they are awesome.

Hey guys, so today is my second paper, i have four papers namely Principles of Management, Food and Beverage, Macroeconomics and Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism. Well, i screwed up the first paper, Principles of Management and also today's paper, Food and Beverage. I have no idea how but i think i screwed it up badly. But what is done is done.

I just felt like blogging today halfway through studying for my next exam on Friday, Macroeconomics. I have no idea what to talk about so i am probably going to talk about random stuff for no certain reasons.

First thing i realise there are so little people blogging now and most of them are using like wordpress or some other apps. I tried using wordpress but i didn't like it as much. I think blogging is kind of fun, considering the fact that i love to write/type about stuff in my life for fun and sometimes just to release my emotions (?) when i am overly stressed or sad or pissed off or happy. Mostly sad but whatever. Writing sort of brings me joy in life in a way because i usually talk about my feelings or my day and i really enjoy typing out my day and then reading it in the future, thinking back of those good times i had in the past. THE PAST IS NOT ALWAYS BAD. I think i am weird in a sense that i can be happy for a second and then go all moody the next. Like today on the bus, i was reading my notes and then the next second i was thinking about my ex which is stupid because it is not a happy thing and it is not something you should think about when you have a paper later because you will think about it during the paper again and it is useless. I was really really in the annoying mood yesterday. I feel that i am clingy and i don't like sounding clingy but sometimes what i feel makes me sound super clingy which is gross and i hate that. But whatever.

I saw this book quite sometime ago called Diary of an Oxygen Thief. It is a Dutch novel. An autobiography of a guy who enjoys abusing woman emotionally.  I think this picture is quite familiar to a lot of people.

Well i am kind of curious to read on because i like to know what people are thinking. Some people may think i am sick in the mind but i like to think i am curious about how a guy like that thinks. I'm tired of reading books about how people feel after a breakup or like normally how the victim feels and not the person who did something to them. This captures my attention in a way because i want to know how people feel when they emotionally hurt others. Like is it intentional? Do they like it a lot? Or do they not like it and just want to torture themselves? I really really want to read this book and i searched a lot about it, whether i can read it online or borrow the book from the library. I can't find it so if anyone reading this knows where i can get the book please please tell me THANK YOU.

And i guess thats all? I have no idea what else to talk about and i am pretty sure after this blog post i will have something to talk about. Next time i would probably blog after my exams which is like next Tuesday around there. So here are some funny pictures:

Oh how i love tumblr.

Thanks for reading beautiful people and enjoy your day! :)

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