Types of people that are annoying


Song of the day: Wit it this Christmas by Ariana Grande from her Christmas album Christmas and Chill. :)

Today, i realize that there are many things that annoys people, not just me (shocking! i know!) and i am going to list them out.

1. People who don't check their messages/whatsapp
I find it annoying when we inform other people about our whereabouts or certain information and yet they do not read it. For example, recently a birthday celebration was being planned. I informed everyone about what is completed and what needs to be done. I also included who is in-charge of doing. And what happens? SOMEONE had to ask "So i am getting _______?" When i ALREADY STATED who is getting the item. Since i was pretty irritated by the person, i didn't answer her question while answering other people's questions about where we are meeting since i did not mention it. And there she goes, tying "???" to us. My friend who was just as annoyed as i am, replied "She already said someone else is getting the cake." The most annoying part is when you tell the person something and the person goes "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I SEE" Like seriously, that is the most annoying thing someone can ever say. If you have read it, then you wouldn't look stupid in front of the rest of the people and the other people won't be irritated by you, simple as that.

2. People who hang up the phone before the other person finish talking
I never experienced this before till recently the birthday celebration mentioned above. I was giving instructions to people but they didn't want to finish listening and hang up the phone. This person did not show any initiative in doing anything for this celebration, as usual, asking people what to do and none of them comes up with a solid plan so i ended up planning everything at the last minute. If you don't have the initiative to plan something, at least listen to the person who is planning instead of being an ignorant and pretentious person who doesn't want to listen but ask a lot of question. Also, it is super rude to hang up before someone finishes talking so screw you.

3. People who walk overly close to you when you are talking to someone else
I hate these people a lot. It annoys me so much when someone does that. Especially when they are clearly aware that the two people who are talking are talking about something private. It's like "Girl why you gotta be so damn nosy?" Have you heard of privacy? Or personal space? Why you gotta walk to damn close? If you are unaware the first time, the next time you walk past and you hear the person talking keep quiet, back the fuck off. The person maybe badmouthing you or talking about private matters. Either way just back the fuck off because it is rude as hell to disturb someone's private session. Doing things like that would just make people feel annoyed and hate you more.

4. People who always turn their head to the direction of certain people because they want to be part of every single thing even if it does not relate to them. 
I noticed this in a few people that i know recently. Especially during lessons, they will always turn their head to us even though they have nothing better to say. It is either they are afraid that we are gossiping about them or they are afraid that they will be left out. They turn their heads a lot, even when we are not saying anything, they just turn their heads. Sometimes it is obvious that some things are more private and we do not want everyone to know but being nosy, they like to go "What? What thing?" till someone tells them. If not when someone ignores them, nobody replies them, they will pretend to laugh it off and say things like "Haha i don't get you guys la" Which is ridiculous because your method of getting attention is so damn annoying. If you want to do such things, go be a spy please.

5. People who act stupid/ oblivious that what they are doing is wrong
This is probably another horrible thing but recently, there was this person, lets call the person A. So A was being a real annoying person. I was at the school computer lab with my group members and i claimed the seat right in front of me since i was standing in front of it and the other seats to my right were taken up by my group members. It just so happen that A does not have a seat and the computer to my right does not have a chair. What A did next was the stupidest and the most annoying thing ever. A walked in to my right, where there was another person standing in front of the computer and claim the seat despite the face that the most logical thing for A to do was to grab a chair and use the computer to my left. After taking someone else's seat, A has the cheek to say this "Oh no, you don't have a seat anymore, how?" Right at this moment, my brain starting going "Wtf? Are you serious? You took someone else's seat and then still have the guts to say such things? Like are you serious? Do you need a tight slap?" Stop acting so oblivious. You just snatched someone else's seat. Today a similar thing happened again, So i was seating with my group mates, on my left was a girl and on my right was an empty seat, followed by another group member, followed by another empty seat. The same girl whose seat got snatched entered and sat beside me. A entered and looked at the seat. It is obvious A wanted to seat beside the girl with us. But my group mate's bag was placed on that table, indicating that he is going to take a seat there. He was standing up to let the girl in and then at this moment, A goes "(Name of classmate), where are you seating sia, this table or the other one." A asked that when it is very obvious that the guy was going to sit there. In my mind i did a mental slap across A's face for asking such a ridiculous question.

These are the top 5 people that annoy me a lot and i am pretty sure some of my friends were annoyed too.

Looks like 2016 would be a shitty year once again.

Thanks for reading my blog and have a great day! or night! or whatever time of the day it is! :)

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