Types of people you will meet during projects (Negative types)


Song of the day: Pillowtalk by Zayn. It is really good but some people might get dizzy watching the music video.

Hi people who are reading my blog for some reason. I just want to make this clear. So basically, i started blogging in 2013 and it was just a place for me to view good memories and just somewhere i can go to when i feel happy, sad or when i feel like talking about things but i either don't dare to tell others or i don't want/trust others enough to tell them. I know posting it online isn't a good way but blogging makes me feel more comfortable and it is basically an escape for me. Posting things online is not private i know but in all honesty, i feel better when i post things. So if i were to blog about you guys and you guys are unhappy, i am sorry for making you unhappy but that is how i really feel and you have an issue with whatever i said please feel free to come and talk about it.

Back to today's blog post. I am pretty sure everytime there is group work for projects, there are people who are hardworking and there are people that...... Let's just say they don't do much. Today i am going to write about the types of (considered) negative people you will meet when doing projects. 

1. The "Here for Nothing" people

The "Here for Nothing" people are basically people who just appear during project discussions and online discussions but does nothing. Their objective is to be present and do nothing, hoping to get away with it. When not asked to do anything, the "Here for Nothing" people would do their own personal things.  When doing project on certain websites such as google document, you can view in the history and check whether such people contributed to the project. As the name suggests, majority the person does nothing or changes one or two words during the whole discussion. These people are specialized in sweet talk. When asked to leave early, the "Here for Nothing" people would use their sweet talking skills and start saying things such as:

"We are all in this together!"

"Group mates should stick together!"

"All for one, one for all!"

Or in any other way, but usually with the same meaning. The "Here for Nothing" people would then continue doing nothing because that is the way they are. The best way to deal with such people is to assign them things to do so that there is actually something for them to do, not giving them the excuse "You guys did not assign me any tasks." If the person still does not do his/her work, what i would do is to confront them and constantly remind them the deadline of the project. (I don't know if it is effective for everyone so if you ever meet such people...... use this at your own risk. )

2. The "Ask and Not Complete" people

These type of people are the ones who constantly ask "What do you need me to do?". They are the ones who state when they will complete it and assure their group mates that it will be done as soon as possible. However, they NEVER ever complete what they are suppose to do within the deadline. Constant reminder must be given to ensure that they will do their part. The "Ask and Not Complete" people are not bad, just that it is really tiring for group mates to constantly remind them that their part is due soon when the group mates have other parts of the project to worry about. Normally, the "Ask and Not Complete" people does last minute work, often not reliable and increases the chances of errors made in the project. Usually, their work is corrected by their group members again, increasing the work load for their group members. Their strategy is to apologize profusely when errors are made and like the "Here for Nothing" people, sweet talk their way through the project using sentences like:

"Omg, it is so late! You should sleep!"

"Don't stress yourself okay? I will help you complete the rest."

"I will do it as soon as i reach home! Don't worry!"

If you are part of this group of people, please take note that once you screw something up, there is a very low chance your group mates would let you continue the project. By saying "Don't Worry", there is a high chance they will worry.

3. The "Magicians"

The "Magicians" are people who disappear during project work. They are the ones who say that they will be present for their project and yet never ever appear. When asked about their whereabouts, the "Magicians" always find an excuse, saying that they are unable to make it the last minute. Main excuse made:

"Oh sorry, i have something on at the last minute, just tell me what to do and i will do it." (As usual, work is not completed.)

For the "Magicians", somehow they always have something on at the very last minute. They never inform you where they are and always agree to the meeting date. The "Magicians" are known as such due to the fact that they magically disappear when needed. Whenever asked about project information, they will perform their greatest magic trick: the disappearing act. It is hard to deal with these kind of people as they are hard to contact. It is as if they were never born and never appeared on this planet before. They are known as the "Magicians" because they can magically create stress and worry for their group mates, resulting them to do the work for him/her.

These are the TOP 3 types of negative people you might find in your project group work. 
Of course, just because they act this way doesn't mean they are evil. They just need constant reminder and reassurance. I hope you guys enjoy this blog post and have a wonderful day people! :)

How i met your mother reference :)

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