"The teacher" experience


Today i got back the results for this project that i personally feel that i worked quite hard for. How the teacher graded me was shocking. I got a B+. Now you may be wondering "Oh B+ is good, stop whining." Let me just explain.

First off, i was grouped with 2 girls and 1 guy. The guy is a really nice guy and we have a sort of common friend. He left a good impression the first time i met him. He is a hardworking guy and i was quite happy to have him as my group mate. I am trying my best to be nice about this because i really don't want to make him sound evil. 

Basically majority of the group project was done by me with the help of the other two girls. Not saying that the guy did not do anything, but there were parts that he did wrong and i had to correct. So he did like maybe 1 or 2 small parts in the end. I can tell that he feels quite guilty for not being able to help much. We had our presentation and he gave out wrong information without realizing until we mentioned it at the end of the presentation. I think he may have felt more guilty after that. 

Today when we get back the results, i was hoping for an A. Of course i didn't as i mentioned that i got a B+ above. At first i was thinking "Oh, okay, not that bad i guess, maybe the teacher has high standards." And when i look at my group mates marks, the guy got an A. Imagine doing majority of the work and getting a lower grade than someone who did little work and presented wrong information. It sucks right? I was pissed off of course. You can tell that the guy was shocked too and he did not know what to do or say. 

At the end of the lesson, the girls and i discussed about asking the teacher why our grades were all different. The girls agreed that i did majority of the work and deserved an A. I told the teacher and we talked about it. She claimed that she did not know and we should have informed her but the thing is she did not give us the peer evaluation form (my friend argued) and then my teacher said, "I told you all already that if you have any problems ask me for the peer evaluation form. You never ask." Okay first thing, every subject after a project, we all get a peer evaluation form. This time, the teacher did not give us any and when we asked her she said she did not photocopy for us thinking that we have it. Secondly, she said that she would print next week for us to fill up and guess what? She didn't. 

Also, during lessons, it is obvious that she is biased to our class guys because they tend to joke around with her more. Just so happen that she like this guy more than us. The girls and i feel that she was being biased because how can someone present wrong information and skip a few things get a higher grade than all of us who presented right? If it were to be all of us getting the same grade i would understand but i do not understand this logic. So i tried to argue with her and my friends backed me up. My teacher said that it was graded mostly due to presentation which for other project, presentation grades take up a very small percentage (My friend argued with her about this.)  This is her argument:

"When there is a presentation, we look for eye contact, we look for confidence. The content is not that important." (she said that because i mentioned that the guy actually mentioned wrong information. 

Upon hearing this, i feel that it is the most ridiculous thing i ever heard. It is the weakest argument i have ever heard. It does not make sense. So what if i went for other presentations and presented wrongly? The teacher would surely state that i mentioned wrong information and correct me. I have never heard of any teachers not caring about the information since it is the main thing that is required in the freaking project!

Moreover, i received all my results for project and i got As for every project except this. EXCEPT THIS. I presented the same way and my teacher did feedback that my presentation was good. How can all teachers say that it deserves an A and this teacher did not think i should get an A? Of course i was furious and i just did not want to argue with her anymore. I just asked "So, my marks can't be changed in the system already right?" She said yes because it is all confirmed. I just gave up and walk away from the subject. It was the most ridiculous and shittiest experience ever. That guy mentioned and i quote that "Wa, you tank the whole project sia." What is the point if i tank the whole project and get a shittier grade? 

To the guy, i am not pissed at you. (Just saying) I know i may look like i am angry at you at the start but i just need time to cool down and accept the fact that the teacher gave you a higher grade although i did more. 

I find that this teacher is actually one of the teachers i dislike. She does not bother to remember my name. Everytime she sees me she would not remember my name at all. At the start of the subject, I answered her questions when no one did and she always asks for my name to give me participation marks. But after a while she didn't and i suspected she mistook me for someone else. Somehow she dislikes me a lot and today in class, she claimed that the back two rows (All my class girls) are not listening to her when all of us weren't even talking. My friend was just telling another girl that what the teacher is referring to is which figure and she earned a glare from the teacher. Ridiculous! She didn't even talk to the girl about other stuff, it is about the subject. She is trying to help the girl. So what now? Helping is a sin?

I am just truly disgusted by how the teacher reacts and do certain things. Like i said "If that is the way you do things, shame on you." 

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