

He was a very giving person.

He gave me happiness every single day. Ensuring that i smile every single moment. He would always try his best to make me happy. Even it means coming down in the middle of the night to cheer me up at my lowest point.

He gave me a lot of love. Yes, love. All those hugs although he hates it. He knows that i love hugging and i need it. He gives me hugs to make me feel secure, a sign telling me that he is here for me and we will go through all the shit together in life. All those kisses he gave. Reassuring me that he is here for me. Holding my hand. That warm feeling, especially when our fingers intertwined. Besides love, he gave me reassurance.

He gave me hope. Hope that i can actually live my life the way i wanted, happy. I never thought that i can be that happy my entire life. He changed that. I was really happy, smiling and actually feeling more positive as usual.

He gave me the ability to trust. To finally be able to trust a guy who won't leave me for other girls. He knows my past, my bad experiences. He knows how insecure i get. Slowly i learnt to trust him, not overthink about where he has been, who has he been out with.

He gave me his heart. As cheesy as that sounds, he gave me his heart. I gave him mine too, it was like an exchange. That's what happens when two people are in love.

He gave me a very hard time. He is hard to understand, and i spent so much time trying to understand him, to make him happy. His moods, his actions, i get tired a lot trying to deal with everything. Not that he doesn't deal with me too. But he does give me a hard time.

He gave me a lot of sadness too. All those sleepless nights, crying, tear-stained pillows. All those nights where the insecurity kicks in, where those panic attacks comes knocking at my door. All those thoughts "Does he still love me?".

He gave me a lot of worries. He is experienced in relationships. I am not. How many girls has he been with? Who meant the most to him? Am i even good enough for him? I am not experienced enough to be with him. Those worries just pile up every single day.

He gave me a lot, the good and the bad. But one day, it all has to end. I guess that day is today, where he gave one last thing.

He gave up on me.

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