Anger Part 2?


Song of the day: Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande. I listened to it a few times and found it quite nice so why not listen to it?

In my previous post, i did write a stupid post about anger (Reading how i wrote it made me feel stupid) and today will probably just be another update on it. (Get ready for more stupid-ness).

If you know me for a long time (At least a few years), you would know how i would react when i am angry. Either i would keep quiet with a resting bitch face or i would full on shout at the person who pissed me off. Now, how does this anger come about?

Usually, my sudden outburst/ dramatic reaction is from accumulated incidents. For example in a month, arguments with my friends, no support from people i love, people not doing things right, etc. All these do not happen on a daily basis but if somehow i am that unlucky and it does, i would be in a bad mood and become super bitchy probably twice a month. 

Arguments with my friends are on different things. If you are someone who knows me well, you would know that i have a lot of insecurities. From time to time, i need people to assure me that they would stay with me and not leave (due to past friendships where i give and people take and leave). It is hard for me to trust someone and it is hard for someone to deal with me. Sometimes, because of my insecurities, my friends and i would argue (Usually only one person would argue with me because i only trust that one person. I would only show my insecurities to that one person.) Sometimes people decide not to deal with you anymore, so arguments surely occur from time to time.

Another common argument is the usual unhappiness within a friendship. Constant questionings or cancelling meetings at the last minute.  IF someone does these often, it is impossible for someone to be pissed off/annoyed. 

No support from the people i love.
Since primary school, i love to draw. However, my parents don't really support me drawing. Apparently to a lot of parents, "drawing" = "no success". Therefore i am studying in business when i could be doing something i love like design. In secondary school, i joined a sport called volleyball. I am absolutely obsessed with the sport. I would go for every training because i enjoy playing it. I do not have those "close relationship" with my coach. For others, my coach can click with them quite well. For me, my coach would train me a lot, and since i like to do my best in this sport, he would have a higher expectation of me and train me in different ways. Now, even when i graduated, i would go back to help him train my juniors or just go there and enjoy myself. Last time, he would trust me with my juniors and ask me to bring them to friendly matches and coach them. Of course, at that time it was a huge thing for me. However, my parents once again do not support me playing this sport. Here is the reason why:

I can never ever do well in my studies. I am not a person who can study and score A* for all my subjects. I am the type of person who can do very well in what i love which are usually classified as the useless stuff by my parents (Drawing & Sports). 

I love sports, i am not going to lie. I love PE a lot last time. When my friends are all not willing to play during PE because they would sweat or they would be very tired, i would be playing with the guys along with some of the girls who are into sports like i am. 

People who do not do things right. Need i explain?
Normally this type of people are people in school. When we are suppose to do somethings and they can't do it right despite the clear instructions given. Moreover, when they ask you for help and you help, they will start relying on you. They would find reasons to make you do stuff for them, and then of course take credit for the work. Annoying isn't it?

Imagine just experiencing on a daily basis, who would not be angry? 


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