Be yourself


Song of the day: Expensive by Tori Kelly. Tori Kelly's voice is just awesome.

So today is the first day of holiday. I agreed to meet this carousell seller at Bukit Batok to exchange the item i bought which is a watch. The first time i bought 2 watches, one for me and one for my sister. The one for my sister was not working from the start and i went to check in a few watch shops and they say it cannot be fixed. So i talked to the seller and they agreed to exchange a new one for me. Turns out on my way there, it was cancelled because the person who is suppose to meet me for the exchange was not feeling well. Of course i was quite bummed out since i travel down for nothing but hope the seller gets well soon. I feel so productive packing my cupboard and sewing all the shit that needs sewing. I started on card making too and drew a lot of stuff today for the card. Although it looks simple, it is tiring as hell.

Anyways, i realised that the past month or so, someone i know is sort of acting like me. The person does things i would do and try to do a lot of things which is just annoying. Why would you want to change yourself and act like someone you are not. (there is probably a 90% chance the person will read this. You know who you are) There were quite a lot of incidents that made me really irritated.

There were many signs and the first sign was twitter. From the start of a certain month, you started to like tweets, not the types where people normally favourite and retweet but this person favourites almost every freaking tweet that i tweet or my other friends tweet. I have nothing against it if you favourite occasional tweets but not every single one of them. Not only me, other people feel irritated by it too. Besides that, i feel that if someone were to keep replying to tweets that people usually don't reply, it is like "What do you expect? I don't really want to reply you/ don't really know what to reply you. Why are you replying my tweets when it does not involve you?" And the thing is a lot of people are irritated/unsure of what to do. There is nothing wrong with favourite and retweeting every single tweet but it gets on people's nerves. Imagine every few minutes having notifications from the same person. It is like spamming.

The next thing was this incident that happened during exam. So that one day i was asking people whether they are staying back to study because i do not want to study alone. It was nice that the same person offered to stayback with me but when one of the guys asked me whether i want to stayback and study with them instead, i was not alone anymore. When the person asked me if i was going home or staying i told the person that i am staying back with the guys and the person just thought for a moment and just joined us. Okay fine, if the person wants to join then join. But don't act like you know the guys very well. Do not think that you are closer to one of the guys than i am because you are not. The only reason you studied with us is because the guy asked me whether i want to stayback and study with the rest.

When the study session ended, we ate dinner at our school. I have no idea if it was on purpose that you sat beside the guy but okay fine. What annoys me the most was when the guys talk about stuff and you don''t understand and just laugh. It is fine to just ask what they are laughing about. There is nothing wrong plus the guys are very friendly too.

After that i went to the washroom. When i came out, the guy saw me and stood up, ready to leave. You stood up too and for some reason when i was about to walk beside the guy, you squeeze in between us. And it was more awkward when you realise that we are going to the same bus stop but different from yours. Plus, you act like you know the guy very well but around him you don't really know what to say. Why try so hard? Thats what i don't understand.

Of course there were more stuff but i don't want to say it because there is no point. What i want to say is that:

Be yourself for goodness sake. When you try to act like a different person/ pretend like you know the guys well, you are not being a good person. You are either confusing people or pissing people off. Why do you want to act like someone you are not? I was fine with you acting the way you always do but when you changed, i feel like banging my head against the wall and occasionally killing myself because you make me so pissed off. Honestly, you are fine the way you used to be.

If you read this, probably going to, then please just stop acting like someone else.

To the other people reading the post, just know that you should always be yourself. Don't ever try to change the way you are. If people don't love the way you are and thats the reason that made you change, fuck them, you don't need anyone's approval.

Hope you sort of enjoy the post and have a good day :)

I love cyanide and happiness. :)

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